020 8242 4660

About Us

At UnGentle, we understand the power and passion behind every move on the mat.

About UnGentle Sports Marketing Feature Image

About UnGentle Media

As avid enthusiasts of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, we’ve made it our mission to elevate Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu businesses, brands and athletes to new heights through sports marketing and media strategies.

With UnGentle, you’re not just partnering with a marketing agency; you’re aligning with a team that lives and breathes the spirit of the Gentle Art.

From thrilling competitions to inspiring training stories, we know the pulse of the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu community and how to captivate its audience. 

Marketing & Advertising
Booking Management
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Customer Relationship Management

Our Approach

Our tailored marketing solutions span across sponsorships, endorsements, event marketing, social media campaigns, and captivating content creation.  

Whether you’re a rising Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu academy seeking to expand your reach or a brand aiming to connect with this passionate audience, UnGentle is your dedicated partner in achieving your goals. 

Join us in the world of UnGentle Sports Marketing & Media, where every move matters and every story deserves to be told with the intensity and grace of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Marketing & Advertising
Sale Closing
Our Approach Thumbnail
Let's talk

Speak to our team to get started

Meet Our Expert Teams

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Geral Mier

Business Developer

Alan Cromartie

Marketing Sales

Renzo Johnson

Website Developer

Larry Mina

Customer Support

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