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Capturing Attention: Strategic Insights for Today’s Marketers

Discover how Ungentle Sports Marketing captures consumer attention to drive engagement and sales in the digital era.

At Ungentle Marketing, we understand that the landscape of consumer attention is not just evolving — it’s already changed. Our approach is deeply rooted in the understanding that attention drives sales and that the modern marketing environment demands not just potential for viewer engagement but measured actual attention. As marketers, it is essential to not only place media thoughtfully but also to enhance visibility and creativity in our campaigns to capture and maintain this attention.

Understanding Attention in Marketing

Attention in advertising refers to the selective concentration on specific stimuli, prioritising some over others. This can range from passive glances to deeply engaged viewing, and it’s most effectively measured using eye-tracking technologies. However, in the digital age, where media fragmentation is rampant and multitasking with multiple screens is the norm, capturing consumer attention has become significantly more challenging.

The rise of what’s known as the ‘Attention Economy’ means that consumer attention is now a limited resource that must be captured strategically. Traditional metrics like viewability often fall short, as they do not guarantee that ads are genuinely seen and engaged with. Research indicates that a significant percentage of ads that meet viewability criteria still fail to capture human attention.

Strategic Insights for Effective Attention Capture

  1. The Predictive Power of Attention:
    Studies, including those by Dentsu and Lumen, show that attention is a far more reliable predictor of campaign success than traditional viewability metrics. For instance, when comparing campaigns optimised for attention versus those for viewability, the former consistently outperforms in metrics such as ad recall and purchase intent.
  2. The ‘Shape’ of Attention:
    Attention is not monolithic; it varies by ‘shape’ — different patterns of consumer engagement that can guide the placement and design of ads. Understanding whether a consumer gives a ‘Long Look’ or just a ‘Flicker’ of attention can influence how we tailor our media strategies to maximise impact.
  3. Attention Elasticity on Social Media:
    Platforms like X, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok exhibit unique ‘attention elasticities’ — how well they hold or repel consumer attention. This understanding is crucial for creating content that not only fits the platform but also captures and retains consumer interest effectively.
  4. Optimising Media Reach and Frequency:
    Leveraging attention metrics helps refine how we think about media reach and frequency. Quality of exposure—ensuring that ads not only reach but resonate with audiences—is now as crucial as the quantity of those exposures.
  5. Valuing Quality Impressions:
    Tools like Realeyes’ PreView enable marketers to measure the true engagement of video content, shifting focus from sheer exposure to quality of attention, thus allowing more strategic investment in high-performing creative content.
  6. Enhancing Attention in High-Quality Contexts:
    Ads placed in quality contexts, such as trusted magazine websites or premium online platforms, tend to gain more attention. This elevated engagement translates to better brand recall and stronger sales growth.


At Ungentle Sports Marketing, our philosophy is clear: understanding and strategically capturing consumer attention is not just beneficial — it’s imperative for successful marketing in today’s digital landscape. By focusing on measured attention rather than potential views, we help brands not only reach but truly engage their target audiences, driving both immediate impact and long-term loyalty. As we navigate the complexities of the Attention Economy, our commitment remains to provide insights that translate into effective, attention-capturing marketing strategies.

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